Sunday, January 07, 2007


When I was little I invented many scenarios in my head for my future. For example, because I had been a picky eater, and would only eat out if included on the kid's menu was pasta with red sauce (preferably without meat), my family joked that maybe I should go to Italy because I would be able to eat all the time. Denny's pasta is not quite the same as Italy's. But at the age of five I developed this dream of going to Italy and eating pasta for every meal. Is that why I studied in Italy fifteen years later? Because of chain restaurant kid's menus? Regardless, another of my dreams when I was little was to dance tango in Buenos Aires. I don't know how many kids like sad accordion music, but I did. I wanted the black heels, the slicked hair, the tragic eyebrows, all of it. And I still hope to go to Buenos Aires at some point during my time in South America, but my first trip to Argentina proved a little less dramatic: a group of us traveled in bus to Mendoza to renew our visas. Two night buses, two days in the city. Here is our trip in pictures.

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